Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am Bryson.the most FUN I have in weeks takes place right here!Cindy if you are reading this post you have got to try some ramps!!!!!!!!!!!Hows your skateboarding coming along?Feel free to post some of your storys and struggle with this sport.That goes for sarah too.
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1 comment:

  1. Hey DUDE!
    How is it going with your sk8 boarding? I see those cool pictures and I wonder sometimes how you do those awesome tricks.This is also the coolest blog I've seen in *100* years!;0)I have a blog too so check it, and I will check yours. I like never post anything, but I will post one about you soon... I also hope I can see you soon. Good luck with your skate boarding and I hope you don't get hurt doing those wickedly crazy tricks.I know that if you fall on your butt... You still won't be a baby! I miss you and wanted to say hi over the internet "BEFORE FUN WAS INVENTED"
    Miss you! Good luck,
    Your cousin Sarah
